Daily Caller

Trump Begins to Drain the DC Swamp

Washington, D.C., is experiencing its first true transfer of power in 50 years.
No state in America leans so liberal as the nation’s capital. Exhibit A: Washington voted for Kamala Harris by 92.5%. The district’s true-blue voting record shamed leftist strongholds such as California and Vermont, which only went for the Veep by 58 and 63%, respectively. Washington also blew past other liberal cities, crushing San Francisco (85%), Detroit (84%) and Atlanta (83%) in its leftward lurch to the donkey party. Our nation’s capital is the most liberal part of the United States. It is to Democrats what Wyoming or King’s County, Texas, is to Republicans.

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Things Are Going From Bad To Worse For The Permanent Bureaucratic State

Do the Dems think rushing to the barricades to defend out-of-control spending will earn them the respect and admiration of the American public? Expect their approval ratings to continue to sink like the Hindentanic.

USAID is just the beginning.

Wait until DOGE bites into the Department of Defense, which has never passed an audit.

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Get to Church, Dems

Religious Americans overwhelmingly and decisively voted for Donald J. Trump, by 63 percent among Protestants and 59 percent among Catholics, according to a CNN exit poll. 

The godless backed Kamala Harris by even higher margins: 71 percent, according to the same data.

Given that a firm majority, 67 percent, of the country identifies as Christian, you’d think liberal politicians would cater to the faithful. Instead, to cite just one glaring example of her political malpractice, Harris blatantly skipped the most important Catholic campaign stop of 2024—the first for a Democrat in 40 years.

Though not a pious man, it was Trump who promised that his administration “will not forget our God.” It was Trump who stirred souls by having “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” sung at his inauguration. It was Trump who shared his personal faith testimony, that he was “saved by God for a reason.”

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Hegseth Will Be Confirmed

Democrats trotted out personal attacks: Hegseth drank too much at a party, he made a pass at a woman, he once went to a strip club. Oh, the horror. Can you imagine a soldier, home from deployment, who could do such a thing?

Evidently most members of the Senate Committee on Armed Services have never been near a military base, nearly all of which are surrounded by car dealerships, Hooters and bars.

Democrats’ main strategy seemed to be to rehash these personal smears, but say them louder and with more venom. Instead of forceful and commanding, many just seemed shrill. The result was internet comedy gold, with that one meme being viewed, at this writing, by 4.8 million people (likely exponentially higher than the number of people who actually watched the hearing itself).

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Common Sense Needs To Take Over In California — And Beyond

We need creative leaders who ask themselves “how would I handle a similar event?” and “what’s the next crisis most likely to hit my area of responsibility?”

It’s a mode that seems to come reflexively to Trump. Perhaps it’s the mindset he’s cultivated as a developer — a muscle that helps him identify the most likely risks and rewards the future might hold. The 45th and soon-to-be 47th president seems likewise drawn to other imaginative people like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, who are currently reimagining the scope and breadth of the federal government.

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Investigate The Real Radical Extremism

Your nation’s active and former military members are far more likely to save your life and property than take it. Sadly, you won’t hear that from our current commander-in-chief or his media parrots. In times like this, instead of leaping to smear, a more competent administration would assure the public that a thorough investigation is underway. A more competent media might ask the FBI and Biden himself what steps they are taking to protect other large-scale gatherings and celebratory events (like, oh, an inauguration in two weeks). Until we return to competence, Americans have every right to be jittery.

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Trump Driving Foreign Policy Blob Crazy By Daring To Put America First

Trump’s worldview is in many ways a revival of President James Monroe’s 1823 warning to other foreign powers not to meddle in America’s hemisphere — what became known as the Monroe Doctrine: “we should consider any attempt [by European powers] to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.” It is adherence to the Monroe Doctrine that built the United States into the world’s greatest power — a regional hegemon. From Germany’s threat to ally with Mexico in World War I to the Soviet Union’s meddling in Cuba, the United States has often used the principles outlined by its fifth president to ward off potential threats.

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Top Brass Is On The Run Ahead Of Trump’s Return

The hallways at the Pentagon are filled with a constellation of stars and the legions of staffers who support them. I’ve worked in both the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Starting around 2011, the Joint Staff began to surge in scope and power. Though the chairman of the Joint Chiefs is not in the chain of command and simply serves as an advisor to the president, there are a staggering 4,409 people working for the Joint Staff, including 1,400 civilians with an average salary of $196,800 (yes, you read that correctly). The Joint Staff budget for 2025 is estimated by the Department of Defense’s comptroller to be $1.3 billion.

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House Republicans Finally Putting The Squeeze On Bloated Pentagon Budget

The American public supports a strong military and is in favor of robust defense spending — but the rumor of a $600 Pentagon hammer still hits home. Taxpayers are furious that the Department of Defense can’t seem to find $824 billion, failing its seventh audit in a row. It is hard to ask for a raise when nearly a year’s worth of appropriations have seemingly disappeared into the E-ring’s couch cushions.

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