Daily Caller

Trump Brings Glimmer Of Hope For Peace In Europe

As the war in Ukraine rages onward, President-elect Donald Trump brings a glimmer of hope for peace in Europe this Christmas season.

An end to the fighting hinges on three key points: (1) Crimea (2) the Donbas region east of the Dnieper River and (3) NATO membership for Ukraine. Many more issues lurk, but without agreement on these major negotiating points, it is unlikely a peace deal will emerge.

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Time To Make The US Navy The Fighting Force It Should Be

America’s mighty Navy is rusting away, hobbled by bureaucracy and woke regulations. From aging ships to soft fitness standards, the once-unbeatable fleet is losing its edge to a rising China. The Navy that once turned the tide at Midway now struggles to launch submarines and build ships, drowning in red tape and climate-conscious paint. With naval power hanging in the balance, can new leadership cut through the bureaucratic barnacles and restore the fleet to its former glory? A provocative look inside the Navy’s fight for survival reveals how politics, procurement, and political correctness are sinking America’s maritime might.

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Playing with Fire in Ukraine

Western leaders keep touting Russia’s high death toll, which estimates now place at 600,000. To military strategists here in the United States, such a human cost is unimaginable. Add up every American combat death going back 160 years through the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, World War II, World War I, and even the Union combat deaths in the Civil War, and the number does’t reach what Russia has lost in the past 1,000 days.

American and NATO leaders are foolish to underestimate Russian resolve.

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How To Get The DEI Out Of DOD

Military service is a calling.

Faith, family and sacrifice lie at the core of why most people raise their right hand and pledge their lives to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The best military officers with whom I have served have a quiet and purposeful sense of that old-fashioned sentiment — duty, honor, country.

Those values have been under a full frontal assault. After spending a generation in the fear and loathing of men and their “toxic masculinity,” the left now stands surprised that those same men commit suicide at increasing rates, want to become women or voted for President Donald Trump by massive margins.

To push back, three battles await the next secretary of Defense.

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Trump Is Back And Foreign Leaders Are Taking Notice

Less than a week after the landslide election of former President Donald J. Trump, America’s enemies are running for cover.

A Hamas spokesman told Newsweek it seeks an immediate end to the war. Russia’s Vladimir Putin remarked to reporters that Trump’s desire to end the Ukraine crisis “deserves attention at least.” China’s Xi Jinping congratulated Trump on Thursday, expressing the pair would “find the right way to get along in the new era.” World leaders know that the past four years of U.S. dithering, insecurity, and shame are over.

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Trump as Hitler, courtesy of the New Republic, June 2024

Calling Trump “Hitler” makes Kamala Harris look desperate

How long have Democrats been calling their Republican rivals “Hitler?”

Former President Donald J. Trump was still in diapers on the eve of the 1948 election when President Harry Truman compared Thomas Dewey and his running mate Earl Warren to Hitler, warning, as The New York Times reported, that if they were to win it would “bring a Fascistic threat to American freedom that is even more dangerous than the perils from communism and extreme right ‘crackpots.’”

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Biden Needs To Stop Asking For A Ceasefire And A Two State Solution

But like a Bruce Springsteen song, the Biden-Harris administration continues to repeat itself calling for an Israeli cease-fire. In Dec. 2023, less than six weeks after Hamas’ medievally brutal attack on Israel, President Joe Biden claimed Netanyahu was losing support due to “indiscriminate bombing“ of civilians.

Never mind that Israel is fighting for its very existence. Never mind that Israel’s tactics work. Never mind that Hamas killed 46 American citizens and holds seven American hostages to this day. Never mind that Israel takes greater precautions to prevent civilian casualties than any army in the history of warfare.

By Biden-Harris logic, the U.S. would have started shipping Band-Aids to Tokyo after the Battle of Midway or airdropped crackers to Germany once we bagged Normandy.

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Kamala Isn’t Just Stupid, She’s Dangerous

Democrats seem genuinely surprised by the lackluster performance. The New York Times lamented her “verbal acrobatics” and “verbal jujitsu.” CNN took note that the veep was sticking to “friendlier interviewers with targeted audiences.”

Have they not been paying attention these past two and a half months? Perhaps they’ve been too caught up in the puke-green vibes of Kamala’s brat summer.

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Israel’s Iron Fist

The hard truth remains: deterrence only works when your enemies believe you will act. Israel understands this. They know, as Israel’s fourth prime minister, Golda Meir, once said, that they have “no place else to go.” They fight not just for land, but for existence.

Indeed, Israel is at war with a different strain of the same mind virus that inspired September 11, which makes it all the more revolting that the Biden-Harris administration is trying to thread a political needle. Instead of staunchly backing one of our most loyal allies, the Democrats say Israel has a “right to self-defense” and in the same breath, call for a ceasefire.

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