Daily Caller

Biden Still Has The Nuclear Codes

Our enemies likewise know America’s commander-in-chief is no longer at the wheel if in fact he ever truly helmed our ship of state. Events such as the secretary of defense disappearing for days on end earlier this year suddenly make more sense. Why check in with a boss who has clearly checked out?

Fortunately, America’s chain of command remains intact — the U.S. military has the discipline and resolve to weather the absence of a leader who gets tired after 4 p.m., as has been widely reported about Biden. But our enemies smell weakness at the very top of the command structure. Will they act in the next five and a half months while a very lame duck finishes his term?

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Trump Reveals What A Sane National Security Policy Would Actually Look Like

When I began my career in journalism in the 1990s, I kept Donald Trump’s number handy in case I needed a good quote. The brash New Yorker always had just the right turn of phrase to explain a complicated business question in a way people could understand. My readers appreciated his common sense.

Thirty years later, that common sense came across strongly in his acceptance speech at last week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Trump’s critics hate his use of superlatives and hyperbole, but it is hard to dispute his underlying points. The former president laid out his commander-in-chief credentials in clear language with sound strategy.

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Biden May Help Create A Generation Of New Republicans

The president’s condition didn’t surprise Republicans because we have been sending each other memes for years — Biden lost on stage and falling off a bike; Biden being led away by the Easter Bunny or coached by Jill; Biden falling up Air Force One’s stairs or toppling over at the Air Force Academy graduation.

The president’s infirmities, mumbles and rambling at the debate seemed no worse than usual.

But to Democrats?  The uncut, unvarnished, unscripted Joe Biden was a disaster.

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Biden’s Most Shocking Lie

For a commander-in-chief to forget the troops who have given their last full measure of devotion on his watch is unconscionable. In August 2021, trying to fulfill Biden’s foolish Afghanistan orders, 11 Marines, one Army soldier and one Navy corpsman were killed in the bombing at the Hamid Karzai International Airport Abbey Gate in Kabul.

Did Biden also forget the three service members who were killed just this January in a drone attack in Jordan?

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Europeans Aren’t Concerned About Threat Of Russia Invading Continent After Ukraine

Ukraine has revealed many of NATO’s weakness. These led a professor of war studies at the University of Warwick, Anthony King, to remark that Europe has “systematically demilitarized itself because it didn’t need to spend the money. They have basically gone to sleep.”

That ambivalence toward defense comes across in another recent survey of Europeans. Sixty percent of Italians, 47% of Germans and 40% of the French are in favor of cutting off arms shipments to Ukraine. Across Europe, 60% think that Ukraine will be an economic burden. Among the French, Spanish and Italians, more than 40% either don’t know or don’t care who wins the war in Ukraine.

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Biden Needs To Learn From JFK’s Handling Of The Cuban Missile Crisis

Today, few Americans grasp how closely the Biden administration is dancing to outright war with the world’s largest nuclear power. Biden’s national security team continues to secretly escalate American involvement in Ukraine and publicly downplay the risk.

Earlier this month it was reported that Biden quietly approved allowing Ukraine to use American offensive weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory. Yet, despite this enormous strategic decision, Biden carries on per normal, freezing up at Juneteenth concerts and licking ice cream—there’s been no policy speech from the president, no seven-step outline for victory, no warning to the American people of the risks involved.

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Lessons from Normandy

Thursday’s 80th anniversary of D-Day likely marked the final major ceremony to be attended by survivors of the Juno, Omaha, Gold, Utah, and Sword beach landings. Precious few veterans of history’s largest amphibious invasion will be present for the 90th. As they leave us, we lose the knowledge of the last Americans to experience firsthand what it took to win a war between global powers.

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The Left Have Stuck Their Claws Into The Military — But House GOP Is Fighting Back

House Republicans are fighting to keep the military about breaking things and killing people, what they call a “focus on lethality.” Most of their efforts will likely get stripped out by the Democrats when the bill goes before the Senate. But with the upper chamber looking increasingly red in November’s election and Donald Trump leading in the polls, this year’s House bill may well be a harbinger of what to expect next spring.

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Joe Biden’s Gaza Pier Washed Away — Along With $320 Million In Taxpayer Dollars

That a temporary pier built in the open ocean broke up in a storm should not shock anyone who has ever looked at the sea or watched the Weather Channel. Sailors since the days of the Phoenician trireme have used the expression, “any port in a storm.” For that reason, most piers are built in ports, anchorages and harbors.

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