
Trump Vs. The Washington Foreign Policy Blob

Critics of Trump’s foreign policy hate his tough talk. They mock his ALL CAPS proclamations. They rolled their eyes when he warned North Korea it would be “met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.” They cringed with self-loathing when Trump tweeted Old Glory after the U.S. military assassinated Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani. They scoffed at Mr. Trump’s vow to “obliterate” the head of the Taliban, Abdul Ghani Baradar, if any Americans were harmed during the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan. Trump’s legions of haters think it impolitic and crass that Trump showed Baradar a spy-satellite picture of his own home or promised Vladimir Putin the United States would hit Moscow if Russia invaded Ukraine.

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Kamala Harris Reminded Americans She Plans To Carry On The Biden Legacy

Our founders clearly defined the number one job of the federal government: to “provide for the common defense.” Sadly, there were no questions in CNN’s 20-minute infomercial about what Harris plans to do with our nation’s armed services. It was a bizarre omission by interviewer Dana Bash, given that America’s military is the largest discretionary line item in the budget and the president is the commander-in-chief.

As close as Bash got to the military was asking Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz if he “misspoke” when he described himself as having gone to war. “I certainly own my mistakes when I make them,” Walz said. He also claimed his “weapons I carried in war” comment was a grammatical error. Stolen valor, typo — same, same.

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The Party of War

When I first went to work on the Hill, I was shocked at how rarely anyone asked: “Is this in the best interest of national security?” Or: “How will this benefit the American taxpayer?” After asking those questions myself — at every meeting I took — I often received blank, bewildered stares in return.

Like a drunk passing a saloon, most swamp creatures just can’t seem to wait to sidle in and order up American ground forces, a naval flotilla or air power. And since only 1% of Americans serve in the U.S. military, relatively few constituents seem to object.

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Trump Rallies Prove Average Citizens Remain Engaged — With A Thirst For Truth

America, which spent most of the 20th century fighting the lock-step propaganda of Pravda and the Kremlin’s vozhds, now finds itself on the precipice of electing a woman who believes in Soviet-era price controls: “I will work to pass the first ever Federal ban on price gauging on food.” She said “gauging” not gouging, but no journalist even asked if it was a verbal slip or a grander scheme to prevent Walmart from setting its own price for Corn Flakes.

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JD Vance Is Right: It’s Time To Stop Libs From Brainwashing Our Kids Into Becoming Little Marxists

Flack is always heaviest when you’re over the target: Vance is right. The left is indeed trying to brainwash our children. Worse, the far left wants to take our children. President Joe Biden said it clearly, claiming there’s “no such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.”

JD Vance Is Right: It’s Time To Stop Libs From Brainwashing Our Kids Into Becoming Little Marxists Read More »

Once Again, Biden Doesn’t Have A Strategy For Ukraine. Where’s The Money Going?

When the law to give Ukraine another $61 billion made its way through Congress back in April, lawmakers appropriated the money with strings attached. One big string was section 504 of the bill, which stipulated that within 45 days, the administration had to present a strategy for the war. That strategy was due on June 4 — the Biden administration’s homework is now two months late.

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Biden Still Has The Nuclear Codes

Our enemies likewise know America’s commander-in-chief is no longer at the wheel if in fact he ever truly helmed our ship of state. Events such as the secretary of defense disappearing for days on end earlier this year suddenly make more sense. Why check in with a boss who has clearly checked out?

Fortunately, America’s chain of command remains intact — the U.S. military has the discipline and resolve to weather the absence of a leader who gets tired after 4 p.m., as has been widely reported about Biden. But our enemies smell weakness at the very top of the command structure. Will they act in the next five and a half months while a very lame duck finishes his term?

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Trump Reveals What A Sane National Security Policy Would Actually Look Like

When I began my career in journalism in the 1990s, I kept Donald Trump’s number handy in case I needed a good quote. The brash New Yorker always had just the right turn of phrase to explain a complicated business question in a way people could understand. My readers appreciated his common sense.

Thirty years later, that common sense came across strongly in his acceptance speech at last week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Trump’s critics hate his use of superlatives and hyperbole, but it is hard to dispute his underlying points. The former president laid out his commander-in-chief credentials in clear language with sound strategy.

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Biden’s Most Shocking Lie

For a commander-in-chief to forget the troops who have given their last full measure of devotion on his watch is unconscionable. In August 2021, trying to fulfill Biden’s foolish Afghanistan orders, 11 Marines, one Army soldier and one Navy corpsman were killed in the bombing at the Hamid Karzai International Airport Abbey Gate in Kabul.

Did Biden also forget the three service members who were killed just this January in a drone attack in Jordan?

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