Kamala Harris Reminded Americans She Plans To Carry On The Biden Legacy

As published by the Daily Caller

“We can do what we have accomplished thus far,” Vice President Kamala Harris said in her first interview on CNN Thursday night.

That is exactly what we are afraid of.

In her own uniquely garbled way, Harris reminded Americans that she plans to carry on the Biden administration’s legacy, which she claims history will bear out as “transformative.” Most would likely agree: The past four years have certainly transformed America.

Our founders clearly defined the number one job of the federal government: to “provide for the common defense.” Sadly, there were no questions in CNN’s 20-minute infomercial about what Harris plans to do with our nation’s armed services. It was a bizarre omission by interviewer Dana Bash, given that America’s military is the largest discretionary line item in the budget and the president is the commander-in-chief.

As close as Bash got to the military was asking Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz if he “misspoke” when he described himself as having gone to war. “I certainly own my mistakes when I make them,” Walz said. He also claimed his “weapons I carried in war” comment was a grammatical error. Stolen valor, typo — same, same. (RELATED: MORGAN MURPHY: Tim Walz Has Stolen Valor)

When it comes to America’s national security, we can’t take much more of Biden-Harris’ “transformation.”

Within days of taking office, Democrats put the Department of Defense on the hook to pay for gender reassignment surgery. It ordered the Pentagon to put climate change “at the center of United States foreign policy and national security.” Shortly thereafter, the Pentagoncharged all personnel to stand down from whatever they were doing — whether it be standing the watch in Iraq or minding a desk job — and go through four hours of mandatory training on extremism. All told, the department spent 8 million man hours rooting out supposed “extremism” in the ranks.

In April 2021 — just three months after they took office — team Biden-Harris announced it would withdraw all American forces from Afghanistan. “We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit. We’ll do it — we’ll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely,” the president promisedfrom the Oval Office. Four months later, those of us who served in Afghanistan watched with disgust and disbelief as that country collapsed in chaos and bloodshed. President Joe Biden’s retreat was a humiliating American withdrawal not seen since Vietnam.

The hits just kept coming. That same month, the policy mavens on team Biden-Harris announced the United States would restore $235 million in aid to the Palestinians cut off by the Trump administration. Less than a month later, Hamas repaid the favor by opening fireon Jerusalem with rockets raining down on the holy city.

In that first year, the world took the measure of the Biden-Harris team and found it lacking. While team Biden was focusing our military on transgender rights, the size of the polar ice caps, and white rage, Russian President Vladimir Putin seized the opportunity and invaded Ukraine. Hamas seized the opportunity and unleashed terror on Israel. Iran seized the opportunity and accelerated its nuclear program. China seized the opportunity and brazenly sent a spy balloon across the continental United States. Lloyd Austin seized the opportunity and went AWOL from his perch as Secretary of Defense. Thousands of young patriots seized opportunities outside America’s armed forces, which caused the military to miss its recruiting goals for the first time in the history of our all-volunteer force.

It’s time to put Biden-Harris policies where they belong — in the trash.

Morgan Murphy